2015: What Went Wrong

This is the final segment to the best and worst of 2015. This series was inspired Bespoke Investment Group’s article tailored to actual holdings in DGI portfolios. The first post, 2015: What Went Right can be found here.

Again I need to address the caveats:

  • Only publicly disclosed data culled from portfolios in my Blog Directory were used. If your blog is not listed, your data was not included.
  • My data only reflects a snapshot in time. Once entered in my database I generally make no updates.
  • I make no guaranty as to the accuracy of the data either through input errors, processing errors, or the legitimacy of the source data. Meaning, use at your own risk – or you get what you pay for.

Bespoke’s article raised a number of questions in my mind. Although not specifically targeted to the DGI community, I found it to be timely none-the-less. So the question today is why were so many ‘losers’ contained in DGI portfolios?

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